
Fort Worthless.

Alright, let's try this. A photo a day in the name of creative sanity. And to take stock of the gigs upon gigs of images that I've got sitting on various drives and computers.

Fort Worthless
November 21, 2010

In November, I went to Austin. It was a great trip, except for the Four Loko. Be you the wiser, it's not the sort of thing "you just have to try once". It's not a bucket list item.

Driving through Texas is, however. Everything's bigger in Texas. And I don't think you can truly grasp that until you're in the middle of it, the absolute middle of nothing. It's weird to see your body there, the only breathing thing for endless miles. It's a great reminder of how insignificant or significant you can choose to be.

This is outside of Fort Worth at about the halfway point of my trip back. That particular drive isn't the nothingness I'm used to in the Panhandle, but it's my dad's old stomping grounds. It's interesting to think about him out there, when he was 26. I'm sure he made that drive to Austin a time or two.

The photo was taken with my iPhone, no fancy settings, just point and shoot. I'm pretty sure I balanced my phone on my car for "tri-poding". Also no photoshopping.

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