

September 12, 2007

State Fair, guys. Seriously. Is it September yet? I like that I have two state fairs to frequent now. I get to find totally new and awesome things at the Oklahoma fair and I can draw you a map of the New Mexico one. It’s a great balance.

This gem is from the petting zoo at the New Mexico State Fair (no friends, not the Expo.). I have to watch myself with petting zoos. You never know where a llama can be hiding. This photo was an accident. I love the green and the zebra in the background. In fact, I really didn’t notice it until I was going through photos for this project. SEE. Photoblog is useful!

(Taken with Nikon D3x, Leica APO-Tele-Elmar 180mm f/3.5. APRIL FOOLS. I actually don’t have $12,000 for a camera. Nikon S1 for reals.)

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