
Bingo Shoes.

Bingo Shoes
January 13, 2008

It was so windy when we went to Coney Island. Like, Oklahoma-windy. But with sand, not red dirt. Shit hurts.

But Kyle and I braved it for at least a bit. The thing about Coney Island in January is that it's completely shut down, locked up and gated. There's still a few locals patrolling the boardwalk and one or two dumb ass tourists (like me) trolling around with cameras, but for the most part, it's a ghostland. There's a lot of romanticism around the "boardwalk" and hanging out on one, when it basically looks like a deserted film set was pretty surreal. I instantly thought about my Coney Island trip when I saw the Wrestler and that scene where he dances with his daughter.

This picture's great because the wind/sand makes it look blurry. The focus is soft anyway (note the point and shot decided to focus on the wood of the bench, not the actual focal point, the shoes, which is something I probably would have made an SLR do anyway) but the wind helps it out even more. I love the tiny people you can see, like little ghosts, you can't really make out anything distinguishing about them.

Sometimes I feel like this blog is actually a criticism paper I'm writing for an art studio class, which kinda makes me wanna die inside. I'll try to figure out how to get around that.

(Bonus Coney Island shot.)

(Taken with the Nikon S1. It's grayscaled and contrasted, of course. I played with the levels a bit, but not much.)

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