Immigration Island
January 3, 2008
I am a firm believer in ghosts. As firm as one can be about that sort of thing. I have no idea what/who they are, but there's got to be something there. I've spent far too long hanging out in old theaters and abandoned buildings to believe that no one would want to come back to those places after they exit this brief existence.
I personally hope to one day meet the invisible friends in the Golden West/El Rey. Trust me, they're in there. There was always something in the back of my brain that knew I was never actually alone in there. I think I liked that better, almost like they were protecting me.
The only time I've ever felt threatened by my Golden rey friends was right after the fire. I was walking through the El Rey, all the lights were off and I felt something not quite shove me, but not quite wind come up behind me. My heart jumped out of my chest and just then, the front door opened, lighting up the whole building. Crazy stuff. It's the one ghost story I've got and it's completely possible that it was my own anxieties just massing but I'd rather believe it was a ghost. And I don't blame the guy. I was plenty mad, too.
Back to the photo, I can't think of a more haunted space then Ellis Island. It's my favorite NYC tourist destination. Skip over the Statue of Liberty and go there. Way cooler. And you'll probably learn something about your family. I can't personally trace my family there, as my mother's family immigrated from Canada and there's a few adoptions messing up things on my dad's side. But I'm sure someone related to my dad came through there. Ellis Island is definitely in my top 5 museums I want to work at list. Really, an awesome collection.
This photo's in the main hall, which once upon a time, had lines that used to wind for days. And it's pretty amazing to think about everyone who once stood where I was. Clearly, this photo makes me think about ghosts.
Once again, let's shoot this from a low angle and see what happens. God girl, get some variety. Remember myspace angles? Those were awesome. What? That still happens? Sorry. I haven't been over there in a while.
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