

October 16, 2010

SHIT. BITCH IS TAKING PICS OF HER FEET. What's next, myspace angles and contrast? Oh, you have no idea how deep this hole can go.

What I really love about this photo is the color. The browns and the reds and just that little piece of green. I was going back through this folder of photos that I took around Turner Falls and this picture just popped at me. All the other photos, some of which I really love, just sort of blended together but this flash of red that does not and can not occur in nature caught my eye. It's sort of like those black and white photos that Hallmark puts on greeting cards that are all black and white but a balloon or bubblegum will be a different color (which, vomit on those by the way).

Moral of the story, the best pictures happen by accident.

(Taken with a Nikon D-80, 18-135mm AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor Lens. Exposure 1/160, Aperture f/6.3. No Photoshop. It was so bright that day.)

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