

February 21, 2009

I think airports would be one of those things that future civilations would look at and go, "What the hell was that?" Airports and freeway interchanges. No place better makes that point than Dallas Fort Worth International.

Dallas is a crazy-wealthy community. Everything is bigger in Texas, even its airports. Dallas wants to do nothing more than showcase its wealth. The airport is no exception. If they can upgrade that place in any way, they'll do it. Wnat another terminal? Good. Because I was thinking we needed one. Wanna build a toll rode through it because it's so massive? Good idea, doctor!

I had my D80 out for most of my trip back to New Jersey for my grandfather's funeral to take pictures from the plane and those are all lovely. But this ended up being one of my favorites. We got into DFW right when the sun was about to set. It made the light in this little waiting area absolutely enchanting.

Just a thought, an airport would probably be a decent place to hang out during the zombie apocolypse.

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